Today, we’re excited to announce two more integrations! For users of either Muxy or StreamPro, you can now add these services right from our new alerts tab. We’ve also improved our Chroma key feature so you can get some mileage out of the green screen you bought. Scroll to the bottom of the post for the full list of additions and fixes.

Alert integrations with Streamlabs, Muxy and Streampro

Added to our changelog

  • Muxy and StreamPro Integration: More alert options because we love you.
  • Streamlabs Integration: Though their name changed (formerly TwitchAlerts), our love hasn’t.
  • Improved Chroma: We’ve fine tuned it and made it more responsive. Give it a whirl.
  • Custom URL + Flash: HTML5 who? Go on and use that Flash based website now.

Fixed in our changelog

  • Rotation for window, display, and webcam capture is now fixed to 0/90/180/270 degrees to speed things up.
  • Nothing’s gonna stop you now – fixed a bug that would cause a stream to end if an asset became disconnected.


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