Time and time again, we see many young content creators and live streamers approach us or even other companies in the hopes of becoming sponsored. Becoming sponsored from a company within the gaming industry ranges from getting free products to receiving money.
No matter what you’re after in a sponsor, the one thing that many companies look for in a potential candidate is what they can do for that company. When approaching a potential sponsor, there are wrong ways to do so and acceptable ways to do so. Let’s look at a few below.

1. Ask over Social Media
It’s crazy that this one even needs to be said. We see so many requests through Twitter or other social channels that we couldn’t not include a note on this. If you’re actually serious about yourself or your brand then find an email address and draft up an email. Sliding into a DM or simplying “@”-ing an account with, “hey, you should sponsor me” is an absolute no-go. You will be ignored or not taken seriously.
2. Use Poor Grammar
This is your first impression with another person that represents a larger brand. Do you really want them to think you don’t know the difference between there, their, and they’re? Of course not. Draft up your proposal and run it through a spell-checker before clicking Send. Poor grammar is a sign of lack of maturity and a total turn off for a brand.
3. Go in blind
Showing enthusiasm and familiarity with the brand you’re requesting something from goes a long way. Take a hard look at the brand’s products and see if there are any natural synergies between yourself and said product. As an example, let’s say a brand makes a mouse that’s geared towards FPS games and you play Counter Strike competitively: perhaps you offer to compile your best flick shots each month and make a montage presented by that mouse. This shows that you know their product and have put some serious thought into this partnership.

1. Create a Deck or 1-Pager
Many brands get sponsorship offers very frequently so making an effort to stick out is always appreciated. Some people will opt to make a deck – or a PDF document usually made in PowerPoint – that outlines who they are and what they can offer. This is your chance to really sell yourself so be sure to elaborate on what makes you special – your content, your stats, your growth, etc. If you’re not confident in your graphic skills then don’t sweat it, the content is more important overall.
2. Define your Asks
This is a big one that often gets overlooked. Many will just send a deck or want to open up a conversation without getting to what they want OR ask for something and not promise anything in return. For example, let’s say you want some headsets from a brand. You’d ask them: “Hey, I’d like 5 headsets from you guys and in return I will deliver 25,000 impressions across X, Y, and Z channels.” That is a very clear ask and exchange. Brands want to know what they’ll get in return for helping you out so just be straight with them.
Lastly, just be nice. Many gaming brands get tons of sponsorship requests a day so being courteous is always appreciated. Even if you get turned down, you NEVER know what can happen in the future as well. First impressions go a long way and who knows if you may be more appealing to a brand in the future.
Hopefully this guide helps you lock down a sponsor and do not be discouraged if you get declined! Perseverance is key. Go back to the drawing board, improve your numbers, grow your stream, and then hit the ground running again. There’s a reason why brands are picky about who they sponsor: they want great people to represent them. Good luck out there.