Welcome to our new bi-weekly blog post, Saved Scenes. Every other week we’ll be gathering up some of our favorite moments from various streamers, tournaments, and events and then compiling them here. Without further ado, let’s jump right into this.
Patience Pays Off for TACO
Wait for it….wait for it….wait for it….
Reynad’s miscalculation FAIL
Math is tough sometimes.
imaqtpie 1v4
The feed l0rd goes big.
1v6 Rift Score in Destiny
Did all your teammates quit out before the match starts? No problem, you still got this.
Crank multi-tasks
He won not one but both matches too.
CSGO on a Dance Pad
Speaking of multi-tasking, how about getting a workout while rushing the bomb site?
Colechan’s jumping Snipe
“He’s gonna TRY to make something happen with the snipe”……He did indeed.
ODPixel notices something
While watching the “E-Sports Superstars” documentary by The Economist, ODPixel realizes that n0tail/Bigdaddy is up to no good.
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