Horizontally center element

Horizontally center element

Text center

Horizontally center element

Using left and right margin

Horizontally center element

Using position

Horizontally center element

Using float

Horizontally center element

Using clearfix

Horizontally center element

center vertically

Horizontally center element

center vertically and horizontally

Horizontally center element


Horizontally center element

Center by line height

this is center by line height


thi is first paragraph

This is link

Simple hover

this is introduction

! Hello everyone

First chlid pesudo class

this is some text

this is some text

Match the i in all

this isstrong some textstrong

this is strongsome textstrong

Match the all i in first child p

this isstrong some textstrong

this is strongsome textstrong

Decendat combinator

this is paragraph 1

this is paragraph 2

this is paragraph 3

this is paragraph 1

this is paragraph 2

Chlid selector

this is paragraph 1

this is paragraph 2

this is paragraph 3

Adjecent sibling selector

this is paragraph 1

this is paragraph 2

this is paragraph 3

this is paragraph 4