Applicant checklist
The following is a checklist of items that shall be completed when submitting this application of a proposed pipeline Occupancy of the NCCR Corridor.Please place a check by all items listed below
once they are included with the application package.For more detailed descriptions of the requirments below see from NCR 102 "specifications for pipeline Opccupency of North Carolina Railroad Company property."
Application Package to include:
One(1) copy of complete pipline occupancy Application(Form NCRR 220)
One(1) copy (No larger than half-size,preferbaly 11"* 17" )of the design and construction plan include plan view and profile view of proposed facility
Plans clearly show the extent of proposed work affecting the NCCR Corridor
Plans drawn and printed to scale (ensure no unintended scaling occurs during printing)
Plans sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the state of North Carolina (no crimiped seals)
No arial background sown on plans
One(1) copy of all specifications and computations for the proposed occupancy
Sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the state of North Carolina (no crimiped seals)
Non-refundable underground facility Engineering Review fee(including arial pipline)(see utility engineering fee schedule)
Pipe data sheet in accordance with form NCR 102 plate I
Soils borings in accordance with form NCR 102 section 3.1
calculations for internal and external loads on all pipes,manholes and other faciliies to be installed on NCRR Corridor
Deflections calculations for flexible casing pipe
on hunderd(100)year strom drainage calculations for all pipes,ditchs and other structures carrying surface drainage on NCRR Corridor and/or under NCRR track(s)
Hyrualic analysis of any existing ditch and/or structure impacted by the proposed improvements
Design calculations for overhead pipe bridges and their foundations
Sheeting design calculations
Plan and profile submittal Requirments
All applicable Requirments set forth in form NCR 102 for all pipeline occupancy applications
Additionally, all applicable requirments set forth in form NCR 101 if any portio of the pipeline occupancy application is areial
General plan view Requirments
All existing and proposed railroad tracks shown and labelled
North arrow
"To" labels for the next town,city or station in either direction along the railroad
Name of the town and country in which the proposed facility is located
Angle of crossing relative to railroad track(s)
Distance (in feet) to lowest milepost (see application)
show the labelthe NCCR Corridor boundery as"NCCR COERRIDOER" and non-opertaing NCRR property lines as "NCRR property"(Remove all other Right-of- way or property bounderies within the NCCR Corridor)
Show diemensions from the NCCR corridor boundery to the centerline of the NCCR corridor centerline of nearset track, and the overall width of NCCR corridor
Diemension distance from the crossing to any turnouts
Indicate any facility to be abandoned (add note in accordance with NCR 102 section 2.6 )
If occupancy within or adjancet to a roadway at-grade crossing:
Show roadway edges of pavement with diemensions from edge to road to centerline of proposed pipelines
show edges of pavement with diemensions from edge of road to the centerline of proposed pipline
show existing warning devices(flashers,gates,etc.)and clearances from device to proposed to pipeline
On pipeline having values,the distance in feet along the pipeline from the crossing to the nearset values value and /or control stations
Location of vents,if any,and height above ground
Loaction of markers and an example of text on the proposed markers
Location of existing above and below ground utiities
Note indicating method of insttalation
Size and matrial of the casing pipe
length of casing pipe on NCCR corridor
Size and matrial of the carrier pipe
Show launching of receving that are within the NCCR Corridor.Demension from pits to the nearset centerline of track.Dimension the length,width and depth of pits
Details of any excavution or sheeting necessary to install pipeline in accordance with NCR 102 section 5.9.1.c
A cross section of pipeline showing the carrier pipe, casing pipe or any supports
Note in acordance with NCR section 1.6.1.C.10 regarding NCCR specifiactions
Additional paln view Requirments for underground Longitudinal Occupancies
Indicate overall length of the occupancy on each page
Dimension the distance from centerline of cloest track to the centerline of pipeline
General Profile View Requirments for underground Transverse crossing
Indicate which direction the section is looking
All existing and proposed railroad tracks shown
Show and label NCCR Corridor boundery
Profile above the centerline of the pipe showing the reltionship of the pipeline and/or casing pipe to the ground levels ,tracks and other faclities
Note in accordance with NCR 102 section 1.6.1.C.10 regarding NCCR specifiactions
Additional profile view Requirments for underground Transverse crossing
Show theoretical embankment lines for all existing and proposed tracks per NCR 102 section 4.3.1.F.5
Show launching and receving pits that are within the NCCR corridor.Dimension from the pits to the nearset centerline of track .Dimension the length,width and depth of pits.
Show depth of pipeline under existing ground where it enters and exits the NCCR corridor
Additional profile view Requirments for underground Longitudional crossing
Show the top of rail profile of the nearset track
If appliaction is approved ,appliacnt agrees to reiumburse the North Carolina Railroad Company and the operating railroads for any cost incurred by north carolina railroad company
and the opertaing railroads incident to installation ,maintence , and /or supervision neccessiated by the pipeline insttaltion ,and further agrees to resume all liabiltiy for accidents
or injuries which arise as aresult of insttalation