Applicant checklist

The following is a checklist of items that shall be completed when submitting this application of a proposed pipeline Occupancy of the NCCR Corridor.Please place a check by all items listed below once they are included with the application package.For more detailed descriptions of the requirments below see from NCR 102 "specifications for pipeline Opccupency of North Carolina Railroad Company property."

Application Package to include:

Plan and profile submittal Requirments

General plan view Requirments

Additional paln view Requirments for underground Longitudinal Occupancies

General Profile View Requirments for underground Transverse crossing

Additional profile view Requirments for underground Transverse crossing

Additional profile view Requirments for underground Longitudional crossing

If appliaction is approved ,appliacnt agrees to reiumburse the North Carolina Railroad Company and the operating railroads for any cost incurred by north carolina railroad company and the opertaing railroads incident to installation ,maintence , and /or supervision neccessiated by the pipeline insttaltion ,and further agrees to resume all liabiltiy for accidents or injuries which arise as aresult of insttalation

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